FREE 'Go Wild' sessions return for the summer holidays!
Tuesday 6th August
10.30am - 12pm: Pollination Power – exploring the importance of bees and all the other important pollinators, through drama and science AND take home an individually designed ‘pollinators café’ and insect craft.
1.30 - 3pm: Natural shelters – working in small groups to design build and decorate a shelter (Human or teddy sized). All the decorations can be taken home to decorate bedrooms or outdoor spaces.
Wednesday 7th August
10.30am - 12pm: Night flyers and crawlers – find out about nocturnal animals through tracking footprints and collecting animal evidence from safe non harmful overnight trapping.
1.30 - 3pm: Pollination Power – exploring the importance of bees and all the other important pollinators, through drama and science AND take home an individually designed ‘pollinators café’ and insect craft.
Monday 2nd September
10.30am - 12pm: Natural Fabric Dying and Painting – find out about the history of natural colour and the problems for the environment. Dye an old t-shirt (bring one along) or a wall hanging or tote bag.
1.30 - 3pm: Natural shelters – working in small groups to design build and decorate a shelter (Human or teddy sized). All the decorations can be taken home to decorate bedrooms or outdoor spaces.
Under 8's need to be accompanied; advisory age: pre-school to 12 years.
To book your session, please click on the buttons below.
These sessions are funded by Gawcott Fields Community Solar and the Greener Padbury Group who recognise the importance of connecting with and caring for our natural environment.
