There are four fantastic sessions planned during the Easter holidays, delivered by Julie Lloyd-Evans of Learning Without Walls - book your places now! (Please note new booking details at the end of this post.)
Tuesday 4th April, 10.30-12.00pm – Spring Nests and Surprise Eggs: Explore real birds’ nests in the playground before a bird spotting and material collecting walk up to the woods. Then make a nest, find a tasty egg and discover what owls eat, finishing with a hungry bird game.
Tuesday 4th April, 1.30-3.00pm – Natural Connections: We will take a mindful walk up into the woods with some blindfold tree-hugging, mirror walks, hammock hanging, listening spots and work with natural materials to calmly create (shelters, trails, jewellery) in the peace of the woods. A free flow session allowing participants to follow their interests.
Thursday 13th April, 10.30-12.00pm – Creature Features: What fascinating creepy crawlies live ‘beneath your boots’ in the swishing grass and hang above your heads in the trees of Padbury woods? Explore, discover and then create your own creature to take home, made from clay, wood and other natural materials.
Thursday 13th April, 1.30-3.00pm – Natural Connections: We will take a mindful walk up into the woods with some blindfold tree-hugging, mirror walks, hammock hanging, listening spots and work with natural materials to calmly create (shelters, trails, jewellery) in the peace of the woods. A free flow session allowing participants to follow their interests.
Under 8s to be accompanied by an adult. Age guidance: pre-school to 12 years old.
We are delighted to have secured funding to run more of these FREE sessions this year, but to enable us to run even more, we would welcome any donations. To book your place, follow the link below.