Following the success of our Easter woodland activities, the Greener Padbury Group are funding another day of engaging and exciting activities for families and friendship groups. Throughout the year we are providing a range of woodland experiences for the wellbeing of people and nature as part of our improving biodiversity project.
Tuesday 31st May
10.30am-12.00pm 'Beneath your Boots' Adventure
An exciting adventure into the importance of soils to us and the wider environment and how we can look after it. 'Beneath your Boots' involves an investigation into those fascinating creepy crawlies living in the soil and on the woodland floor followed by a close up inspection of feeding time at the worm farm. The session will finish with the making of either your own wormery or a designer bug made from recycled materials to take home and, of course, mud pie making will always be available to the little ones.
1.30pm-3.00pm Woodland Tree Spirits
From beneath your boots to the woodland giants - the afternoon will focus on trees in the woodland by starting with an investigation of 'bugs on bushes'. Following this you can create a tree spirit face using clay, mud and natural plant material on the trunk of your favourite tree.
Although both sessions are suitable for all members of the family and there will always be a number of activities for younger children to do with their adult the woodland tree spirit session is probably more suitable for primary and early secondary ages.
Testimonials: ' I now feel more confidence to take my children out to play in the woods' ; 'I feel really calm and peaceful in the woods' ; 'I really enjoyed the activities, I have never done anything like that before'
All children under 7 must have an accompanying adult.
Places are limited so book ASAP!
Booking details: email Cassie Rigg at
Up and coming….Look out for our ‘Breakfast and Biodiversity Adventure’ on Sunday 10th July for adults and children and our summer holiday ‘Go Wild' days!
