Did you know that the UK has lost 97% of its wildflower meadows since the 1970’s? This has had a massive impact on pollinators like bees and butterflies.
By not mowing your lawn (or a part of it) during May you’re allowing the wildflowers and grasses to grow - this provides a feast for pollinators and helps lock away atmospheric carbon below ground.
Plantlife are encouraging everyone in the UK to take part in this movement. If you’re able to register your participation, even for just a small area of your garden, then they will be able to work out the impact our collective action is having.
Click here to read more about #NoMowMay and to let Plantlife know what you’re not mowing in May!
You can also print out the poster below to display in your window or on your garden gate to let other people know that your lawn is hard at work. Perhaps they will be inspired to find out more and join the movement too.
In the words of the Plantlife Team, ‘We hope you enjoy not mowing in May and feel as free as the green spaces you are liberating.’
