On 25th September, we enjoyed our second 'breakfast and biodiversity' morning in the Millennium Woods, with Julie and Robert as our guides. We started off collecting the tin-can traps, buried the previous evening, to give us a view of the diversity of the woodland floor, and then made our way to the moth traps. There were fewer moths than on previous occasions - just five different species identified this time - but much excitement at the identification of the green brindled crescent, a moth new to us all! We then made our way to the top of the woods where there was a magnificent breakfast - and a colourful tree identification exercise - laid out. Onwards to the fringes of the wood and the meadow area, armed with white sheets and swishing pillowcases to collect, 0bserve and record the biodiversity found there. There was much delight as we looked at our finds under the microscope: the shimmering scales on the moth's wings, the individual intricacies of at least ten different spiders, and the hooked burrs of the burdock which enable it to cling fast, an excellent mechanism for seed dispersal. All in all, a perfect way to spend an autumnal Sunday morning!