Come and learn this ancient craft in the Padbury Millennium Wood on Saturday 2nd September from 10am to 4pm. Do you crave fresh air and exercise and the quiet enjoyment of nature? Or perhaps you are inspired by No Mow May to manage a garden area differently, or maybe you would like to be involved in the meadow management at the back of the woods to help our biodiversity project. Or perhaps you just want to take this rare opportunity to learn a new (but very old!) skill.
This whole day course for adults is being funded by the Greener Padbury Group for up to 8 people. We are requesting a refundable deposit to secure your place – click the button below to book. Bring a packed lunch – we have arranged to be able to go to the Blackbird to eat there, as long as we buy a (soft!) drink to go with our lunches! Scythes will be provided – just give your height on the booking form, so that a suitable length snath can be brought along.